Suki gymnasts hoover up medals and pbs in Wales

Suki gymnasts who competed in WalesSuki gymnasts who competed in Wales
Suki gymnasts who competed in Wales | User (UGC)
TEAM Suki’s 49-strong team of gymnasts collected a host of pb scores and medals at the Cardiff Aerobic Competition and Welsh Open/Closed Aerobic Championships.

The event began with IAC (Introductory Aerobic Code) and is the first level of four within aerobic gymnastics - level 1 is the simplest version and this increases in difficulty up to level 4.

Teams compete in two age categories, under 10 and 11+, and Gosport-based Suki’s five teams did a fabulous job.

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Dylan Cowie, Betsy Huppler, Baylie-Rose Fisher and Esmee White picked up the gold medal in the Level 2 under 10 category, while Demi Trowern, Lucy Tiebel, Scarlet Cohen and Jamie claimed bronze.

Carly Burch, Jannah Santos and Jennah Santos won gold in the Level 3 over 11s category, continuing their record of winning every competition in 2019.

‘We are very proud of our IAC teams and what they have achieved this year,’ said coach Natalie Dickinson.

In the RAC category, Evie Mae Sangster took to the floor for her second competition of 2019 as an individual gymnast.

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The seven-year-old produced a superb personal best score of 16.3 - a whole 3.1 improvement from last time - in finishing fourth overall and missing the bronze bedal by just 0.2.

‘We are extremely proud of Evie-Mae’s achievements and excited to see what the future has to offer,’ enthused Dickinson.

Emilie Hamer (5th) and Lilly-Skye Radford (4th, new pb) performed in the RAC foundation individual category.

In the Regional Group 1 individual category, Naeesha Santos scored all her skills and achieved a pb en route to a silver medal.

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Lottie Sim scored all her skills while Harmony Hamid scored all her skills, achieved a pb and finished sixth overall.

In the senior regional category, Amanda won gold with 15.45.

Six gymnasts competed in the National Development category with Melody Atkinson and Bella Santos achieving pbs.

Imogen Hamid did likewise in finishing fourth overall, missing the bronze by 0.082 and the gold by 0.182!!

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Keira Buick and Amiee Dalgleish joined Imogen to perform their trio, finishing second overall with a 16.733 pb.

In the Group 1 individual category, Lucie Emmett won silver with a pb of 17.416 - the highest Suki score in the whole event - while Kacey Arkley achieved a pb.

Eleanor Meachen’s pb of 17.283 saw her finish only 0.1 off the bronze in sixth place - the same value as one flexed foot!

Sunday was the start of the Welsh Aerobic Championships

Foundation gymnasts Chloe Dyke and Emilia Travers competed in the foundation pair category, only their second competition at this level, and won gold with 15.899.

The club’s next event is the Suki NAC/FIG open on October 19 at Fareham Leisure Centre.

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