The Waterlooville church which has been magically transformed into a Christmas ice rink

Pixie, 6, and Florence, 6, with Laura Russell watching. Picture: Habibur RahmanPixie, 6, and Florence, 6, with Laura Russell watching. Picture: Habibur Rahman
Pixie, 6, and Florence, 6, with Laura Russell watching. Picture: Habibur Rahman
A CHURCH in Waterlooville is celebrating a successful weekend after converting the church hall into an ice rink.

Cowplain Evangelical Church in Durley Avenue transformed the place of worship into a winter wonderland, with an ice rink for families to come and enjoy over the weekend.

The winter wonderland cost the church £4,000 to install.

Hundreds of people came through the doors, which Reverend Phill Brown hopes will help to spread '˜the true message of Christmas'.

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Pixie, 6, and Florence, 6, with Laura Russell watching. Picture: Habibur RahmanPixie, 6, and Florence, 6, with Laura Russell watching. Picture: Habibur Rahman
Pixie, 6, and Florence, 6, with Laura Russell watching. Picture: Habibur Rahman

He explained: '˜It's not a normal thing for a church to do, I realise that, but this is the third year we have done this and we love doing things like it for the community.

'˜We do lots of children's work and other things to get people coming into the church '“ which helps them to get a feeling for what the true message of Christmas is about.

'˜We had lots of people come in over the weekend; lots of people booked and we had plenty more come through during the weekend too.'

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