Stubbington bypass moves a step closer

The B3334 Titchfield Road, near The Equestrian Centre, where it is likely to be joined by the proposed Stubbington bypass at a new roundabout 
Picture: Malcolm Wells The B3334 Titchfield Road, near The Equestrian Centre, where it is likely to be joined by the proposed Stubbington bypass at a new roundabout 
Picture: Malcolm Wells
The B3334 Titchfield Road, near The Equestrian Centre, where it is likely to be joined by the proposed Stubbington bypass at a new roundabout Picture: Malcolm Wells | JPIMedia Resell
A NEW bypass at Stubbington has moved a step closer after the project was approved by Hampshire County Council.

Councillor Rob Humby, executive member for economy, transport and environment, said: ‘After the delay of the public inquiry we are ready to deliver this scheme, subject to the necessary funding being released by the relevant organisations. We made a commitment to the people of Gosport and Stubbington to improve traffic and travel in South Hampshire and have worked hard to get to this stage.‘The scheme for a bypass at Stubbington represents the final part of an investment of nearly £100m into road and transport improvements in this area in recent years, all aimed at improving access to the Gosport Peninsula, including Newgate Lane and Peel Common roundabout, improvements to the A27, and the Eclipse Bus Rapid Transit route.’The proposed bypass will provide a new 3.5km stretch of carriageway between the B3334 Titchfield Road and the B3334 Gosport Road, passing to the north and east of Stubbington.The council hope the bypass will reduce journey times and peak time congestion onto and off the Gosport peninsula and reduce the environmental impact of congestion within Stubbington Village.Cllr Humby believes the improved transport infrastructure can help to encourage investment and regeneration in the area, especially at the Solent Enterprise Zone.The council has now submitted the full business case for the scheme to the Department of Transport and confirmation is expected shortly, which will bring forward the funding from the Solent Local Enterprise Partnership for the £34.495m scheme.Objections to the scheme were raised after a public inquiry in November 2018.Cllr Humby added: ‘The Inquiry – to consider an individual objection to the scheme in principle - delayed the scheme by nine months, but we are keen to make a good start on construction at the turn of the year.’