Gosport Borough Council elections: Why candidates say you should vote for them

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From axed CCTV cameras and affordable housing to protecting green spaces and the Criterion cinema redevelopment, the parties are setting out their stalls across the Gosport borough ahead of polling day.

Half of the 28 seats are up for grabs, as well as a vacancy in Lee West ward, when residents cast their votes on Thursday, May 2. Across the borough, candidates are made up of 15 Conservatives, 14 Labour Party, 14 Liberal Democrats, six Green Party, one Reform UK, one Heritage Party and one Independent.

The Conservative Party candidates have also been listed on nomination documents and will appear on ballot papers, as either ‘Local Conservatives’ or ‘The Conservative and Unionist Party’ this year, and Labour candidates as either ‘Labour Party’ or ‘Labour and Co-operative Party’.

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Voters will go to the polls on May 2Voters will go to the polls on May 2
Voters will go to the polls on May 2

The Local Democracy Reporting Service, on behalf of The News, contacted each party and asked for a senior representative to tell us about their priorities and why residents should vote for them. Here is what they had to say, listed alphabetically by party. Heritage, the independent and Reform UK did not respond.

Conservative Party

Graham Burgess, leader of the Gosport Local Conservative group

After two years of Lib Dem control, Gosport has the chance to make a change. It is clear, when we’ve been on the doorsteps that residents are angry at the Lib Dems. They’re angry they risked safety by stopping CCTV monitoring and safety lighting. They’re angry they hiked car parking charges by 83 per cent and extended charging hours.

June Cully   Leader Of Gosport Labour PartyJune Cully   Leader Of Gosport Labour Party
June Cully Leader Of Gosport Labour Party

They’re angry they stopped supporting residents by stopping Gosport Voluntary Action funding. They’re angry they disrespected veterans, slashing funds for a D-DayWar Memorial. They’re angry they impacted health by scrapping new sports facilities and raising fees for sports pitch hire. They’re angry that fly-tipping is up 20 per cent despite the ‘free’ skips scheme. They’re angry they handed £1.35m back to Government which was successfully obtained by the Conservatives. They’re angry they are continuing with the unsubstantiated Criterion project.

Local Conservatives will:

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  • Reinstate CCTV live monitoring and improve lighting
  • Reduce parking charges and undo extended charging hours
  • Fund our voluntary sector
  • Support veterans and armed forces
  • Invest in Gosport facilities
  • Create a greener, cleaner Gosport
  • Scrap the unsupported £7m Criterion project

In this election, you have a choice to support Local Conservatives’ plan to put residents first. Your priorities are our priorities.

Graham Burgess   Leader Of Gosport  Local ConservativesGraham Burgess   Leader Of Gosport  Local Conservatives
Graham Burgess Leader Of Gosport Local Conservatives

Green Party

David Harrison, coordinator of the Green Party for Fareham and Gosport

Voting Green is a positive vote for change and for a better world. We know that the challenges are large, national and global; but they are also small, local and on our doorstep, things that we can do something about in our own towns.

The Green Party in Fareham and Gosport will bring sustainability and social justice to the heart of policy and decision-making; and at the local elections in May, our biggest ever slate of candidates will give more people than ever before the chance to vote green.

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Peter Chegwyn, Leader Of The Liberal Democrats GroupPeter Chegwyn, Leader Of The Liberal Democrats Group
Peter Chegwyn, Leader Of The Liberal Democrats Group

Our cleaner, fairer and sustainable future will see affordable, safe and convenient public transport; safe cycling and walking routes; genuinely affordable, energy-efficient social housing; regeneration of our high streets and local businesses; continued progress on recycling; and parks and open spaces that are simply good for us.

Your local Green Party supports all of this, and wants to work hard for our community. All of these proposals are achievable and worth doing, and they don’t cost the earth. Remember… a Green vote is not a wasted vote – the only wasted vote is one you don’t use or don’t believe in. Start right now and give your ward a Green Voice.

Labour Party

June Culley, leader of Gosport Labour Group

The Labour candidates standing for the local election on Thursday, May 2 will work with you to provide the improved services that we all want to see. These will include access to help and advice when needed, affordable suitable housing, sports and leisure facilities, protecting our heritage and green spaces. Encouraging businesses to provide employment and apprenticeships. Challenging the owners of empty properties to bring them back into use and driving forward the Harbour Gateway to Gosport and access to our waterfront.

Liberal Democrats

David Harrison Co Ordinator Of The Gosport And Fareham Green PartyDavid Harrison Co Ordinator Of The Gosport And Fareham Green Party
David Harrison Co Ordinator Of The Gosport And Fareham Green Party

Peter Chegwyn, leader of the Liberal Democrat Group

Since taking control of Gosport Council in 2022 the Liberal Democrats have delivered on their promise to improve public services while keeping Gosport’s share of the council tax increase below the rate of inflation. We’ve introduced free-to-use community skips helping residents to dispose of over 260 tonnes of waste in less than a year while reducing fly-tipping by 40 per cent.

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We’ve secured £18m of ‘Levelling-Up’ funding to open-up our waterfront and restore the historic Rum Store at Royal Clarence Yard. We’ve delivered a £1.4m improvement scheme at Gosport Museum and Art Gallery. We’re delivering a new bus station and will then replace the old dilapidated building with a new ‘People’s Park’ complete with bandstand, waterfront bars and restaurants and rooftop terrace. We’ve saved the historic Criterion cinema from demolition and are re-opening it as a community cinema, theatre and live entertainment venue.

We’ve appointed a new Market operator; have exciting plans to revitalise our town centre; launched a programme of free events for local residents; are planting 1,000 new trees this year; and are improving every children’s play area. In short, we’re bringing life back into Gosport. When something needs doing, Liberal Democrats get things done.