Salon digs in to help Fin's Disney dream

From left, Bernie Aranibar, Greg Ott, Barb Horsfall, Scott Lyons and Carly Lyons with Finlay Lyons, frontFrom left, Bernie Aranibar, Greg Ott, Barb Horsfall, Scott Lyons and Carly Lyons with Finlay Lyons, front
From left, Bernie Aranibar, Greg Ott, Barb Horsfall, Scott Lyons and Carly Lyons with Finlay Lyons, front
WHEN a hair salon heard about a young boy's dream to go to Disneyland, they were determined to help get him there.

So staff at the five Hair Ott salons across the Portsmouth area set about raising money for seven-year-old Finlay Lyons.

Finlay’s grandma Barb Horsfall works as a receptionist at the Hair Ott salon in Waterlooville and told the staff about his battle with cerebral palsy.

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The Horndean Junior School pupil is a wheelchair-user and his mum Carly said he misses out on a number of opportunities.

Bernie Aranibar, who has been organising the fundraising, said: ‘We heard about Barb’s grandson and really wanted to help the family.

‘We have held cake sales, raffles and done Zumba classes and in November we are having a Disney-themed week.

‘Through our fundraising efforts, charity Dreams Come True heard about what we were doing and offered to pay for Finlay and his mum to go to Disneyland.

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‘We were pleased so now the money we raise will help Fin’s dad and Barb go, too.’

So far the salons have raised £2,500 and Carly said she was really appreciative of their efforts.

Carly, from Horndean, said: ‘It is amazing that the salon offered to help us.

‘Finlay misses out on a lot of opportunities so for us to go to Disneyland would be amazing for him. He loves all the Disney characters.

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‘Because he is in a wheelchair we would have to pay for special accommodation to and from the parks so the money raised by the salon will really help us.

‘He has cerebral palsy so he cannot walk at all. We would have to take the wheelchair everywhere.’

The five Hair Ott salons in Waterlooville, North End, Cosham, 1000 Lakeside and Whiteley will be dressing as Disney characters on November 29.

Bernie added: ‘All the staff from across the salons have really made an effort with the fundraising.

‘We are really looking forward to the Disney-themed week and hopefully we can add to our total.’

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