Ghostbusters, Doctor Who and Transformers rock up at Port Solent's Comic Con - 20 spectacular pictures

Mind-blowing costumes and props have created an incredible day at Port Solent’s Comic Con.

The free event took place on Saturday, June 8 at the Boardwalk and families had the exceptional opportunity to immerse themselves into a world of imagination and fantasy. The Ghostbusters were on hand with their proton packs in case of any alien emergencies and people had the chance to strike a pose with the iconic Ghostbusters car. Dinosaurs were roaming around as the thrilling Jurassic Park Zone bought the prehistoric creatures to life. Jedi Masters had the exciting opportunity to train and learn the ways of The Force, while other fun seekers joined forces with the infamous Joker Squad. To make the event even better, Doctor Who fanatics travelled through space and time in the TARDIS.

Here are 20 spectacularly wonderful pictures from the Port Solent Comic Con:

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