Military mental health charity All Call Signs is cooking up donations in 'side hustles'

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SUPPORTING veterans during lockdown has not stopped – despite a drop in funding for a vital charitable firm working to provide help.

Military mental health charity All Call Signs, based in Albert Road, Southsea, has not dropped the pace of operations since coronavirus hit.

But fundraising has been a major concern, with the organisation previously telling The News of concerns over an ‘uncertain’ future.

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Co-founder Dan Arnold revealed the organisation, which is still seeking charitable status, has launched several ‘side hustles’.

Dan Arnold at All Call Signs in Albert Road, Southsea. Picture: Ian Hargreaves  (150619-4)Dan Arnold at All Call Signs in Albert Road, Southsea. Picture: Ian Hargreaves  (150619-4)
Dan Arnold at All Call Signs in Albert Road, Southsea. Picture: Ian Hargreaves (150619-4) | JPIMedia

That includes serving takeaway roast dinners from The Lion in Pagham, West Sussex, raising money for veterans’ services.

Lana’s Roasts operated for 10 weeks, stopping at the end of May, and netted just under £8,000 for All Call Signs with the roasts costing £10 each. Around 200 were sold in the final weekend alone.

In a video posted on Facebook, Stephen James from the charity said: ‘We look after veterans and military personnel living with mental ill health, all of the funds raised through Lana’s Roasts go straight to All Call Signs.’

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In another video, co-founder Dan Arnold added: ‘We’ve seen a huge outpouring of support from the Bognor Regis and Chichester and surrounding areas supporting us in what we do.’

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Coronavirus: Southsea armed forces charity All Call Signs fears donation crisis

He added: ‘You guys are really really supporting us.

‘Not only are you buying some cake and roast dinner every Sunday, but the donation on top of that is allowing individuals who are suffering with poor mental health, even more during Covid-19, continue with their therapies and support and really getting those individuals support.’

The charity has also been running a quiz, selling advertising space during the quiz - with more than 10,000 people taking part meaning advertisers snapped up space at a premium. Firms have also been donating prizes.

Not having charity status has been a stumbling block in getting grant funding during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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‘We’re run and operate as a charitable organisation not-for-profit,’ Mr Arnold said.

‘We haven’t been able to qualify for a grant in the majority of pots of money - we have for some.

‘But for the most part it’s donations (we’ve relied on).’

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