Portsmouth sex workers now operating online and ‘behind closed doors’ with ‘no known’ street locations

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Sex workers are now predominantly operating ‘behind closed doors’ increasing their risk of exploitation, according to Hampshire police.

The force said there are ‘no known’ on-street locations in Portsmouth with prostitution taking advantage of the increasing digital world to unite customers with sex workers. It has led to a new set of challenges for detectives – with those offering their services now ‘less visible’.

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Police operation Portsmouth on Tuesday 4th April 2023

Picture: Habibur RahmanPolice operation Portsmouth on Tuesday 4th April 2023

Picture: Habibur Rahman
Police operation Portsmouth on Tuesday 4th April 2023 Picture: Habibur Rahman

Speaking of the force’s clampdown, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary lead for modern day slavery and sex workers, detective chief inspector Ross Toms, said: ‘We are aware that there are pockets of the sex industry in operation across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight and we are seeking to gain a better understanding of the current landscape so that we can ensure the safety of sex workers, which remains our priority.

‘The current picture in respect of sex work in Portsmouth doesn't suggest there is any more associated criminal activity than other areas in the county. Based on the information available to us, there are currently no known on-street sex worker locations within Portsmouth.

‘In the main, the sex industry is now taking place behind closed doors, with arrangements made online, rather than on-street trade. This makes the sex workers less visible and I would consider hidden from general view increasing their vulnerability and chance of further exploitation. It means we have to make use of different tactics to safeguard workers and identify associated criminality.’

Evidence of the police crackdown was shown with the arrest of a 38-year-old man from Portsmouth on suspicion of facilitating travel for another person with a view for exploitation and possession of criminal property at a Gunwharf Quays address last Tuesday. It followed a warrant as part of the Operation Blue Island dedicated day of enforcement in Portsmouth.

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As a result of the raid, four sex workers have been safeguarded by police while the arrested man was released from police custody on conditional bail while enquiries continue.

‘We have a number of proactive operations where our specialist officers will regularly conduct visits to those sex workers known to us – with a focus on supporting and safeguarding them,’ DCI Toms said. ‘We want to build up trust and confidence to allow us to establish any patterns of exploitation while we continue to work closely with our partners to investigate links with child sexual exploitation and trafficking.’

He added: ‘Our focus will always be to ensure the safety of those involved in sex work. Sex workers, both male and female, are a vulnerable group we need to protect. I hope that our approach will increase their confidence in the police to report crimes against them.

‘If anyone witnesses heavy footfall of men attending addresses, at different times of the day, on a regular basis – we would implore you to report your concerns to us. If you are involved in sex work and would like support or advice to keep yourself safe we can help direct you to the appropriate agency.’

Call police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.