Portsmouth Magistrates' Court - latest update on criminal cases

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Elizabeth Foster, 28, of Australia Close, Landport, admitted two charges of assaulting police officers and two of assault by beating on September 21 in Portsmouth.

Magistrates fined her £50 with £200 compensation to pay.

She must pay a £90 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

Foster received a 12-month community order with 15 days' rehabilitation activities and an anger management course.

Portsmouth Magistrates' Court               Picture: Chris MoorhousePortsmouth Magistrates' Court               Picture: Chris Moorhouse
Portsmouth Magistrates' Court Picture: Chris Moorhouse | JPIMedia Resell

Raymond Chalmers, 64, of Billys Copse, Leigh Park, admitted drink-driving on November 19 in Southmoor Lane.

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A test revealed he had 51 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The limit is 35.

He admitted driving without a licence or insurance.

He was fined £280 with a 16-month ban.

He must pay a £32 victim surcharge and £85 prosecution costs.

Kevin Chandler, 41, of Gosport Road, Fareham, admitted failing to comply with supervision requirements in October.

He admitted stealing four bottles of spirits from Asda on July 13.

Magistrates jailed him for seven weeks.

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Jay Marsh, 29, of Foster Road, Portsmouth, admitted failing to comply with supervision requirements in August.

He also admitted theft of £225 worth of bags from Boots on December 2.

He admitted stealing handbags worth £400 from TK Maxx on September 29.

And he admitted breaching a suspended sentence.

He was jailed for three weeks.

Jarvis Sorae, 45, of Samuel Road, Fratton, admitted damaging a door in Portsmouth on June 2.

Magistrates imposed a 12-month conditional discharge.

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He must pay £750 compensation, £20 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

A sentence imposed on November 27 was set aside.

Duarte Caldeira, 45, of Hambledon Road, Denmead, admitted drink-driving in Crookhorn Lane on November 17.

A test revealed he had 99 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath.

He was fined £1,654 with a 28-month driving ban.

He must pay a £165 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

Joanne Hirst, 56, of Southwood Road, Hayling Island, admitted failing to provide a specimen of breath on November 18 in Langstone Road, Havant.

She was fined £200 and banned from driving for 24 months.

Hirst must pay a £32 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

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David Sammut, 23, of The Scimitars, Fareham, admitted drink-driving in Elson Road, Gosport, on November 15.

A test revealed he had 81 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath.

Sammut was fined £300 with a £32 victim surcharge and £85 prosecution costs.

He was banned from driving for 18 months.