Portsmouth dad believes children's play area is being used as suspected drug stash site

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POLICE have said tackling drug related crime in Portsmouth is a priority after a father reported a suspected drug stash in a children's play area.

A Copnor resident, who gave his name as Kevin, reported seeing three adults 'frantically' searching the children's sandpit in Kingston Road Recreation Ground, Portsmouth, yesterday morning.

Kevin said his two-year old daughter ran over to help the two women and the man, who claimed to be looking for a lost ring.

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Kevin said: 'I used to work as a doorman at a pub, so I know when people are looking for drugs.

The new Kingston Recreation Ground.The new Kingston Recreation Ground.
The new Kingston Recreation Ground. | Other 3rd Party

'They had marks all over their arms and were picking up bits of clingfilm, and they were arguing about where they had put something.'

'I've seen suspicious people their before, but never seen people digging through the sand.'

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The incident means the accountant is now 'terrified' that his daughter will be uncover a dangerous substance when she plays in the sand pit.

He said: 'I'm loathe to use the park now.

'I'm terrified my daughter will dig up a Class A narcotic.'

A spokeswoman for Hampshire Constabulary said the force was not aware of any specific concerns around drugs in Kingston Rec.

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She said: 'Officers who patrol the area held a public surgery in the last week and no residents raised it as a concern.

‘However, drug related crime is a priority for officers in Portsmouth, and our work to tackle drug related issues are ongoing.

‘We advice people to report drug related crime to either 101 or 999, with 999 for emergency incidents.

‘Calls help direct officers to the right areas that need their attention.’

The new toilets in the park were vandalised less than 48 hours after their official opening earlier this month, as vandals set fire to toilet roll within one of the facilities.