Louise Smith missing: Police bail two people arrested on suspicion of kidnapping the Havant 16-year-old

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TWO people arrested on suspicion of kidnapping a teenager who has not been seen for a week have been bailed by police.

The man and woman, both 29, were arrested on Friday.

While officers search Staunton Country Park as part of the case, police have just announced that the arrested pair have been freed on bail.

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Two held in hunt for missing Louise Smith
Louise Smith, 16, was last seen at around midday on Friday, May 8 in Somborne Drive, Leigh ParkLouise Smith, 16, was last seen at around midday on Friday, May 8 in Somborne Drive, Leigh Park
Louise Smith, 16, was last seen at around midday on Friday, May 8 in Somborne Drive, Leigh Park | Other 3rd Party

A police spokesman said: ‘Investigations are ongoing and we remain keen to hear from anyone who may be able to help us locate missing Louise.’

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Police and civilian – from Hampshire Search and Rescue – searchers have been at Staunton Country Park in Leigh Park today and yesterday, using sniffer dogs to look for any clues in Louise’s disappearance.

Louise, 16, was last seen at around midday on Friday, May 8 in Somborne Drive, Leigh Park.

She has not been in touch with friends or family since then. Police have been carrying out house-to-house enquiries and searches, as well as collecting CCTV as part of the investigation.