Jurors see CCTV of man running off after police officer is stabbed in Stamshaw Park

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JURORS have been shown footage of a man attempting to jump a wall minutes after a police officer was stabbed.

Today at Portsmouth Crown Court a Stamshaw mum told how her child had alerted her to the stabbing of PC Russell Turner in Stamshaw Park on February 21 this year.

Giving evidence, the mum told jurors at accused Michael Enzanga's trial how she got on her bike and spotted the the man before she called police over, saying in court the scence was 'chaos'.

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She filmed her journey. Footage played in court shows her shock at the scene as she swore. Asked why she said: 'It was like shouting, just chaos.'

Pictured: CCTV at Hastings House in Stamshaw where a man is seen running shortly after the stabbing. Evidence was shown at Portsmouth Crown Court during the trial of Michael Enzanga, 20, from Ashfield Road, Tottenham, north London, who denies stabbing PC Russell Turner at Stamshaw Park in Portsmouth.Pictured: CCTV at Hastings House in Stamshaw where a man is seen running shortly after the stabbing. Evidence was shown at Portsmouth Crown Court during the trial of Michael Enzanga, 20, from Ashfield Road, Tottenham, north London, who denies stabbing PC Russell Turner at Stamshaw Park in Portsmouth.
Pictured: CCTV at Hastings House in Stamshaw where a man is seen running shortly after the stabbing. Evidence was shown at Portsmouth Crown Court during the trial of Michael Enzanga, 20, from Ashfield Road, Tottenham, north London, who denies stabbing PC Russell Turner at Stamshaw Park in Portsmouth. | Other 3rd Party

Jurors have already been shown CCTV footage of a man running through Hastings House in Stamshaw, near to where 56-year-old PC Turner was stabbed and suffered a collapsed lung.

Londoner Enzanga, 20, of Ashfield Road, Tottenham, denies grievous bodily harm with intent, possession of a knife, four charges of possessing class a drugs with intent to supply and posessing criminal property - nearly £1,000 in cash.

He was arrested in a garden in Jervis Road hiding under tarpaulin, the court previously heard.

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Giving evidence, PC Will Davies, who was with Enzanga in custody and asked for his name, said: ‘I asked if he had those details and he put his middle finger up at me.’

Pictured: A carrier bag and hooded top seized from Stamshaw Park in Portsmouth.

Evidence was shown at Portsmouth Crown Court during the trial of Michael Enzanga, 20, from Ashfield Road, Tottenham, north London, who denies stabbing PC Russell Turner at Stamshaw Park in Portsmouth.Pictured: A carrier bag and hooded top seized from Stamshaw Park in Portsmouth.

Evidence was shown at Portsmouth Crown Court during the trial of Michael Enzanga, 20, from Ashfield Road, Tottenham, north London, who denies stabbing PC Russell Turner at Stamshaw Park in Portsmouth.
Pictured: A carrier bag and hooded top seized from Stamshaw Park in Portsmouth. Evidence was shown at Portsmouth Crown Court during the trial of Michael Enzanga, 20, from Ashfield Road, Tottenham, north London, who denies stabbing PC Russell Turner at Stamshaw Park in Portsmouth. | Other 3rd Party

The officer said there was phlegm on the perspex door in a police van carrying Enzanga, and later on the door of his holding cell.

‘I asked for his name, I wasn’t getting that as a response, I was getting various threats,’ the officer said.

He told jurors Enzanga said: ‘Take that body armour off and we’ll see who’s harder, wait until I find out where you live and we’ll see who’s smiling.’

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PC Turner was patrolling the park in plainclothes with PC Clare Parry, 49, when he went to detain a suspected drug dealer at around 12.15pm and a violent struggle broke out. He was stabbed twice in the back.

The drug charges relate to heroin and crack cocaine found on February 21, and the day before when Enzanga claims to have been assaulted in the park.
