Hampshire police witness appeal after man left with fractured eye socket in Hythe attack

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Police are looking for four people who may have witnessed a brutal assault which left a man with a fractured eye socket.

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary officers have released photos of four potential witnesses to an assault in Hythe.

A force spokesperson said: “At some time between 1.20am and 1.30am on the morning of Sunday, 17 March, the victim, a 40-year-old man, was stood waiting for a taxi on New Road. During an altercation, the victim was hit by a man. He crouched down as he felt dazed and when he stood up, the man punched him in the face again. The victim then walked away and left the area. He suffered facial injuries, including a fractured eye socket.

Police are looking for these people after an attack in Hythe.Police are looking for these people after an attack in Hythe.
Police are looking for these people after an attack in Hythe. | Hampshire police

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Hampshire police are looking for these people after an attack in Hythe.Hampshire police are looking for these people after an attack in Hythe.
Hampshire police are looking for these people after an attack in Hythe. | Hampshire police

“We know that there were other people in the area the time. We have released images of a number of people who may seen what happened. We understand that the images aren’t of the best quality but if you recognise yourself, please get in touch with us to let us know if you witnessed this incident. We can be contacted online or on 101 quoting 44240114299.”

An 18-year-old man from Southampton has been arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm with intent and has been released on police bail until 17 June.

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