Thoughts turn to autumnal delights to accompany game: RECIPE

Blackberry and apple compote.Blackberry and apple compote.
Blackberry and apple compote. | Other 3rd Party
Blackberry and apple compote

The Glorious Twelfth saw the start of the shooting season for grouse – a favourite of many chefs.

With its strong flavoured legs and tender gamey breast meat, it is a sign of the changing seasons.

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And as the hedgerows fill with blackberries, I have started to make some delicious compote to accompany the game I intend to cook in the autumn months.

It is not too sweet and the fruitiness of the blackberries shines through to complement most game dishes.


500g blackberries washed

500g Bramley apple (peeled and chopped weight)

2 onions chopped

2 sticks celery chopped

100ml brandy

150ml balsamic vinegar

250g brown sugar

Good pinch sea salt

1 bay leaf

Half grated nutmeg

Tsp coriander seed


1. Put all the ingredients into a pan.

2. Put the pan onto a medium heat and bring to the boil.

3. Turn down to simmer and stir every 15 to 20 mins for about 1 hour.

4. As the liquids start to thicken you will need to pay more attention to the compote to ensure it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan and burn. As it thickens continue to stir.

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5. When you draw a spoon through the mixture and it starts to just hold so you can see the bottom of the pan, it’s nearly ready.

6. Stir for 5 more mins then spoon into sterilised Kilner jars. Seal and leave for at least 4 weeks before using.

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