Bream with garlic, basil and ginger: RECIPE

Bream with ginger, basil and garlicBream with ginger, basil and garlic
Bream with ginger, basil and garlic | Other 3rd Party
Living near the sea means we can all get hold of beautiful fresh fish from local suppliers are in direct contact with the brave men and women who fish the waters.

You may be a little apprehensive to buy and cook fish but your fishmonger will give you direction. And they will fillet and take out all the small bones if you ask them.

A whole fish, simply baked in the oven with a handful of herbs and a squeeze of lemon juice can make a fantastic dinner.

Ingredients – serves 2

2 fillets of black bream

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

small knob of ginger, peeled and finely chopped

1 small green chilli, chopped

Tbspn soy sauce

Amall bunch Thai basil

Bunch spring onion, sliced

Olive oil


1. In a bowl mix the garlic, ginger chilli and soy sauce.

2. Pick the leaves from the basil and add to the bowl

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3. Pour olive oil into an oven-proof flat dish and place one fillet of the fish, skin-side down, into it.

4. Carefully put all the mixed ingredients over the fish fillet in the dish and top with the other fillet making a sandwich.

5. Sprinkle the sliced spring onions over the top of the fish sandwich and drizzle over a little more oil and a small pinch of sea salt.

6. Bake in a preheated oven 220C gas 7 for 15 to 20 mins. A skewer will go through the fish easily when it’s cooked.

7. Serve with stir fried greens and steamed rice.

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